Course Structure
The program is designed for the officers who have been approved for voluntary retirement or have retired & short service commissioned officers, shortly quitting the service at the end of their engagement with the Service.
The 2nd DGR course at AJNIFM, spanning 24 weeks from November 18th 2024, will be divided into two modules of 12 weeks each, covering the following papers:
Module: I (24 Credit = 240 hours)
101 Financial Accounting
102 Managerial Economics
103 Management of Information Systems, Data Analytics and Business
104 Organizational Behaviour & Business communication
105 Research Methodology
106 Financial Management and Analysis
107 Cost and Management Accounting
108 Human Resource Management
Module: II (21 Credit = 150 hours)
201 Data Analysis & Design Tools
202 Production and Operation Management
203 Design thinking, Innovation & Entrepreneurship
204 Legal Environment of Business
205 Project Planning, Evaluation, Financing & Management.
206 Elective Paper- I
207 Elective Paper- II
Elective Papers- I
1. Supply Chain Management
2. International management
3. Security Analysis & Portfolio Management
Elective Paper- II
1. Financial Derivatives
2. Fixed Income Securities
3. Managing E-Business/ six sigma & Lean thinking.
Project work (15 Credit)
Note: An independent project has to be submitted within the course duration by every participants.
Pedagogy Methodology
A combination of various contemporary teaching methods such as cases, projects, Computer aided instructions, group discussions, lectures, seminars, simulations, presentations by participants, and lectures by guest speakers from industry and government shall be used. The lecture and case method is the predominant pedagogical tool as this sharpens the analytical skills of participants. Instructors shall mainly guide the officer participants in and group, encourage them to develop and defend arguments, and take decisions. Visit to different industries will also be conducted in order to understand the organization working in real environment.
The course instructor will provide a course outline detailing the course objectives, contents, evaluation pattern and the appropriate references. Reading material or a book will also be provided to participants.
Performance of participants will be monitored on a continuous basis through quizzes, assignments, tests and examinations. To qualify an examination, the participants are required to fulfill all academic requirements.
On successful completion of the programme participants will be awarded with a "24 Week Certificate Course in Executive Business Management.
Admission Procedure
Armed Forces Officers of ranks from Captain to Brigadier (equivalent) are eligible for this course. The officers will have to apply to respective Service Directorates for their nomination for resettlement course at AJNIFM, Faridabad. Final selection will be made by the Director General of Resettlement (DGR), Delhi based on the applications received by them and intimated to AJNIFM for admission process. Only those officers whose names have been approved by DGR will be eligible to participate in the course.
Placement Assistance
The institute does not assure placement, however, will assets in placement through designated consultancies.
Admission details
DURATION: 24 Weeks
PROGRAMME DATE: 18th November, 2024 – 02nd May, 2025