About DGR
Certificate Course in Executive Business Management
A vast majority of armed forces officers leave their service with at least two decades of productive careers still ahead of them. The officers leaving service range from short- service officers, with about eight to ten years of experience, to those who have completed their pensionable service of around 20 years and are in their 40s. The vast and unmatched experience of armed forces make them fit for five basic role profiles. The first is general management & administration. During a typical career, an officer performs the role of managing resources and equipment worth several hundred crores. He is responsible for the well-being and training of his men, planning logistics, controlling deployment and coordinating exercises with other units and services. The second role flows from these experiences into HR and man management. During service, an officer is held accountable for the well-being of his men and their families. Operations is another role where officers take like duck to water. Security is a natural extension, ranging from physical and electronic security to high-end specialized roles such as counter-intelligence, fraud investigation, and close protection of high value assets, disaster and crisis management. The last role where many officers have proved their mettle is the holy grail of wealth creation. They have successfully founded and led companies in sectors ranging from consulting to retail. The Armed Forces officers have headed business units, other assessment. They have been leading correspondents, authors, entrepreneurs, social activists, administrators and thought leaders.
Another important area which remains not much developed is the finance. In the services, officers learn to optimize the resources for output-but seldom have the need to understand and apply basic rules of finance and worry about rates of return on investment, a skill that is essential to handling finance responsibilities. With almost every Government policy aiming to develop a culture of self-reliance it becomes important for officers to understand the nuances of how the businesses operate, not just for future roles but for the present too. A modern day officer is expected to operate in a highly competitive environment and aspiring to assume a more effective role in decision making process would therefore, do well to possess sufficient insight into the intricacies of financial issues. A proactive role in decision-making requires each functional manager to equip herself/himself with a working knowledge of finance and various related concepts so that s/he can objectively, and in a professional manner, evaluate alternative courses of action.
With this as the background AJNIFM has designed a 24 week program to tap the potential of the highly experienced and talented officers of the Armed Forces with the objective to facilitate their smooth transition into senior and midlevel management positions after their retirement in the world outside the Armed Forces.
In this twenty-four week, full-time programme, the idea is to familiarize the officers with the requisite analytical tools and techniques; and develop a holistic perspective and global mind-set to understand issues of an enterprise. The objectives of the programme are:
• To develop attitude to enable participants to transit into a second career and be effectively absorbed outside the defence forces.
• To enhance the professional competence of participants in different areas of Management.
• To develop a general management perspective from the standpoint of a total enterprise;
• To develop a global mind-set to foster a comprehensive understanding of corporate sector working, besides other.